Wednesday 10 December 2014


Kate- main character (Girl)
Theo- main character (Boy)
Francesca-  murderer (Girl)
Adam- murdered (Boy)
Police man (PC ROWE)
Police woman (PC BROOKES)

Setting- the drama is set in the countryside mainly, however it does go off into the city as this is where Francesca is taken when she is arrested.

Episode 1
Francesca purposely runs over Adam after she finds out he is in a relationship. It is intense jealousy which has led her to do this because she has loved him for so long. However, she is says that it was an accident using 'I loved him, I would never do this to him purposely' argument. So, Francesca gets arrested and is kept in overnight while the police investigate this further. The morning after the incident, Francesca's brother, Theo visits her in prison where she tries to persuade him also that it was an accident but Theo isn't so sure as he knew how jealous Francesca was over Adam's new relationship. It then cuts on to show a phone ringing(Kate's) but it doesn't show a face. It is Adam's mother on the other end saying, "I have some bad news".

Episode 2
This episode picks up from where it left off previously, the phone call. Crying can be heard, and as the phone is slowly being put down(in shock), Kate's face is finally shown. After smashing things up in anger, Kate grabs her coat and storms out. It is revealed that she is making her way to the pub.
Meanwhile, Francesca then manages to persuade Theo to find Kate as she knows she was best friends with Adam. She asks Theo to try and make Kate understand that it was an accident, even though Theo isn't 100% positive it is true himself. Francesca also asks him to talk to the reporters asking for witnesses ect, and to also make them think it was an accident. Kate notices Francesca's brother, Theo, on the TV pleading the innocence of his sister. She throws her glass across the bar and storms out and then gets into her car. She makes her way to find Theo, thinking that she may get her revenge possibly.

Episode 3
In the car, a song comes on the radio reminding her of Adam making her become extremely emotional. Her anger builds rapidly. As she is driving around, she passes the prison in which Francesca is being kept and a few minutes away, she notices Theo. She pulls over and says, "we need to talk". Theo gets into the car. She drives Theo to her house after he suggested that that is where they should go to be able to talk calmly. As they arrive, Kate locks Theo in her house and pushes him down the stairs, into her basement. Theo is left unconscious and Kate is staring to think that this might not have been a good idea, but thinks its too late to back out now. So, she goes down into the basement and ties him to the chair(she struggles).

Episode 4
Kate goes to check on Theo the next morning, giving him a very basic breakfast. After this, Theo begs Kate to untie him so that they can talk about everything that has gone on properly. Kate is eventually persuaded, so she unties him and they sit and talk on the settee. They both become very emotional after Kate talks to Theo about how much Adam meant to her. Theo, in act to try and get out of the situation, tries to comfort Kate by hugging her. Kate then goes onto say that she shouldn't have done what she did to Theo as he has nothing to do with it. There's a knock at the door. Kate insists that Theo could leave if he wanted, and that she would take responsibility for her actions. She walks away to the door to find the police stood there.

Episode 5
Kate welcomes the police in, where they question Kate. The conversation between Kate and the police results in Kate becoming so emotional, that the police say that they would come back another time and that they completely understand. She thanks them and they let themselves out. Kate is left sobbing on the settee in the living room, but to her surprise Theo hadn't left when he was given the chance. He comforts her even more, where they then share a kiss.The next day is the day of the trial. Kate is adamant to Theo that she will be going to watch the trial, however Theo doesn't want Kate to go as it will make her even more upset than she already is. Theo says to Kate that if she goes, he will be going with her even though it is his sister that is on trial.

Episode 6
They go to the trial and Theo supports Kate through everything. Francesca see's both Theo and Kate together and it makes her angry. The anger builds up inside Francesca as she see's Theo comfort Kate when she bursts out crying. She finally has enough and admits to everything, saying things such as "She was so close to Adam, it made me so angry to watch. I had to get rid of him. Now look, she's taking my brother away from me too!". Francesca is found guilty and is sentenced to life. It then goes forward 5 years and shows Kate and Theo living a happy life with a family of their own, at the other side of the country.

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