Monday 9 February 2015

Focus group

I asked five questions to five people based on my script to find out whether the script needed any improvements.
The questions I asked were:
1) Tell me what you know about PC Brookes.
2) What is this episode about?
3) Describe Francesca
4) Describe Francescas relationship with her family members which were in the episode
5) Describe the relationship between PC Brookes and PC Rowe.

Feedback 1
1) PC Brookes seems to be very dominant and strict. She likes to be in charge.
2) There has been a murder and someone is trying to pass it off as an accident. A man is then talking with the murderer and is persuaded to tell someone who is close to the victim it was an accident.
3) Francesca seems to be madly in love and jealous to be able to kill someone.
4) Francesca doesn't seem to be close with her mother as she chose to ring her brother rather than her mum. Her brother doesn't really seem to trust her.
5) PC Brookes is in charge, she doesn't like PC Riley very much by the looks of things.

Feedback 2
1) PC Brookes is very demanding and seems to expect a lot from others.
2) A character called Francesca runs over somebody. The police are very determined to fix the case and get straight to work straight away. Kate must be very close to Adam.
3) There isn't much to know about Francesca.
4) We know that Francesca isn't close to her family as her brother seemed untrustworthy when she rang him.
5) PC Brookes seems to be an older, more experienced character compared to PC Riley who is less experienced.

Feedback 3
1) PC Brookes likes to be in charge because she appears bossy.
2) Somebody was ran over, appears to be purposely. The police are investigating it.
3) Francesca doesn't seem to be in a good state of mind if she needs to kill somebody over jealousy.
4) Francesca either isn't close to her family because she didn't ring her mum in time of need or she doesn't want to disappoint her mother, showing she has a lot of respect for her.
5) PC Brookes is very strict, unaware if male or female at first. PC Riley respects PC Brookes but gets bossed around.

Feedback 4
1) PC Brookes is very good at her job- straight to the point.
2) Francesca runs over somebody over jealousy. The police are involved and get straight to work straight away.
3) Francesca is very spiteful and jealous.
4) Francesca isn't close to her family as her brother seemed weary of her.
5) PC Brookes seems to be more experienced than PC Riley.

Feedback 5
1) PC Brookes appears to be bossy.
2) A man was ran over horrifically. The police are investigating it within minutes.
3) Francesca doesn't seem to be mentally well.
4) Francesca might not want to disappoint her mother so she didn't ring her when she was in jail.
5) PC Brookes is very strict and bossy. PC Riley and PC Brookes don't really get along.

From this feedback, I will improve my script. This will include editing it so that it's more clear what gender PC Brookes is and by making the tension between Francesca and her family a bit more clear.

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