Tuesday 27 January 2015

Report on two TV drama programmes

Report on two TV drama programmes

Our girl - episode 1
Location- Battlefield (training camp) features for about 40 seconds. Nothing but the basic army settings eg, guns and other army equipment.
Changes to a council estate where the main character lives. Stereotype of council houses shown. For example, the tall built blocks and scruffiness.
Army base in England to join after 20 seconds of being at the council estate
On the plane- sets the seriousness of the away job. Their destination is shown which also sets the seriousness.

Storyline- main character training to join the army. She then gets to join and it then goes on to show where she's come from to get her 'dream job'. it moves on to her getting treated differently due to her being a girl. It shows previous love encounters which she seems to be ashamed of.

 Private Daws - Lucy
  • very independent, not afraid of the boys
  • very childish sense of humour
  • wants to make a good impression to the others.
New Tricks- The Queen's Speech
Characters- middle-aged to older (subject to audience)
- Denis Lawson -Nicholas Lyndhurst -Tazmin Outhwaite - Dennis Waterman
They are all independent but work well as a team, each one is a proppien hero.

Location- the house is very old style. Tazmin is with her boyfriend in the show.
Moves outside to a school where a dead school girl used to go.
School grounds (shows the large scale of it [long shot])
Outside a house - looks like a posh neighbourhood

Storyline- it starts off with a detective having a cosy night in. However, it looks as though she isn't really impressed with the way things are going. She then storms out. It then casts the attention onto a case in which her and the other detectives are investigating.


Monday 5 January 2015

1 script

Episode one - set in the countryside in the winter time

Francesca is shown driving her car furiously. She suddenly pulls up outside a house (on a main road). Adam walks out of the house. Francesca follows Adam as he is waking, she backs. Noticing Adam turning and looking as if he was going to cross the road. He crosses. She speeds up and runs him over, then drives away. Francesca doesn't realise that there are cameras on that street so the next day she gets a knock at her door and is then arrested by the police.

Francesca; *calls 999*. Hi, hi, erm I need an ambulance quickly, someone’s been hit *pause* the pelican crossing on Bamber street. Thank you hurry.

*ambulance arrives, police walk over to Francesca*

Police 1: Hi, we’re going to have to take you in for interrogation.

Police 2: We’ve been informed that this car belongs to you. Why did you not tell us?

Francesca: *stutters* I, I, I didn’t know what to do. I was just driving and then it happened. I didn’t know what to do, it’s all a blur.

Police 2: Calm down, please. We will have to arrest you on suspicion of murder.

Francesca: What, he’s dead?

Police 1: I’m afraid so, arrest her.

Kates voice over: and this is where it all began. The day I lost the most important person to me – my best friend

*the next day*

Police 1: you’ve got a visitor, come on!

Francesca: Who? Is it my mum?

Police 1: you’ll see when you get there, hurry up.

*Francesca scrambles to get ready and follows the police woman*

Francesca: Theo! You don’t understand how happy I am to see you.

Theo: Don’t act all innocent, Fran. I know what you’ve done. How could you?

Francesca: I didn’t do it, I promise!

Theo: It’s obvious Francesca! Everyone knows how much you were jealous of Adam and his relationship.

Francesca: I loved him, I’d never do it

Theo: I hope, I so hope you’re telling the truth.

Francesca: Please, trust me. Find Katie and let her know I’m sorry, please! I’m begging you.

Theo: Fine, I’ll go now.

Francesca: Thank you so much, bye.

Theo: Don’t get used to it, I’m done. I’m always finding myself in these situations with you, I can’t deal with it no longer.

Francesca: Theo, stop, wait THEO.

*Theo walks away*

*shows a phone ringing and being answered but no face is shown*

Voice: Hi darling, it’s bad news. Adam’s dead I’m so sorry to have to let you know. I know, it’s far too early. He was a good lad was our Adam.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Generic Conventions of Tv Scripts

Generic Conventions of scripts
  • States the location in bold and underlined writing
  • Names for speaking in the script are written in a BOLD font
  • Stage directions
  • (Cont'd) Continued
  • 'INT' and 'EXT are often used
  • Speech is centred.

TV scripts

Two examples of TV scripts (just one page, but saved copies)  

Our Girl script - episode 1
10:00:00 MUSIC IN - NAPALM
A helicopter flies overhead.
The rear operations group are on exercise.
10:00:06 BBC LOGO
We see MOLLY DAWES caked in mud on her 'mission specific' training – battlefield simulation. We see soldiers firing weapons with explosions echoing all around.
Molly runs to a ‘battle casualty’ to check his pulse and gets a message into her ear piece and looks around.
Private Dawes. Report to the O.C.
10:00:22 CAPTION: OCTOBER 2013
CORPORAL JACKMAN and MAJOR BRICE are sitting in the armoured vehicle watching the training sessions. They watch as Molly comes over to them and stands to attention. Corporal Kelly drake is with her.
Relax Dawes.
She does.
Bit cold out there, isn't it?
Yes sir, tayter's sir.
You’d better go and pack your sun cream Dawes. You're off to Afghan and it's 47 degrees.

Home Front - episode 1
KITTY So what’ll happen? If it gets to 11 o’clock tonight and Germany doesn’t change its mind? What’ll happen then?
RALPH Well then I imagine we will be at war.
KITTY And then what?
RALPH Well I’m not sure.
KITTY What’ll happen to all the Germans living here?
RALPH Well a great number of them have already left.
KITTY Yeh but not all of them. There’s loads of them still here. Like like the pork butcher. Whatshisname. He’s still here. Lived here for twenty thirty years or something. I mean what’ll happen to him? Will he be arrested?
RALPH I’ve no idea Kitty.
KITTY Cos that’s not fair is it? He’s lived here for years. He’s done nothing wrong. He’s sold sausages and minded his own business and he’s done nothing wrong.
RALPH Why are you so upset about the butcher?
KITTY And what about his kids? His kids who were born here. I mean will they be German too? What about his wife? I mean, she’s English.
RALPH Is this butcher a friend of yours?
KITTY No. No. I just don’t think it’s right. That’s all.
RALPH What isn’t right?
KITTY Stop yelling! Sorry Reverend I don’t know what he’s yelling for.
ADAM Hello Reverend.
RALPH Hello Adam.

Report on internet research

From my internet research on scripts, I know have the knowledge to know what to use in my script and edit the first few draft to make them look like a real script. A few things had to be changed but there weren't really any things in which I had to change majorly.

Character Profiles

The basics
Main character(female)- she is featured throughout the drama and is a very important part of it. Kate and her relationships with Adam and Theo (for different reasons) need to be understood fully for the audience to be able to connect.
Age and background- Kate is in her mid-twenties. She had a very rough childhood, so she is very independent. However, she does rely on her close friends to support her a lot as they have been with her for so long. She has blonde (dirty blonde) hair and blue eyes. Average height.
The basics
Main character(male)- he is featured throughout the drama and is also a very important part of it. Theo is Francesca's brother. He doesn't believe that Francesca did not kill Adam, so he takes Kate's side and ends up falling in love with her.
Age and background- Theo is in his late twenties. He lived through the same childhood as Francesca, however he went further in education than she did which served him well. He loves his mother and is with her most of the time.

The basics
Character- Francesca doesn't lead much of a main role, however, she's features throughout the whole drama series. She kills Adam over jealousy along with her mental issues. She first denies this but later goes onto admitting it.
Age and background- Francesca is the younger sister of Theo, and suffered a very rough childhood. She isn't very close with her family apart from Theo so he is the only one she really has.

The basics
Character- Adam is only featured at the very start of the series. He is killed by Francesca.
Age and background- Adam is in his mid twenties and went to the same school as Francesca.

PC Rowe
The basics
Character- PC Rowe is the younger, less experienced police officer. He is a male and gets bossed around by PC Brookes.
Age and background- He is in his early 30's and has always wanted to be in the police.

PC Brookes
The basics
Character- PC Brookes is the older, more experienced police officer. She is female and likes to be in charge all of the time.
Age and background- She is in her late 40's.


Main girl- Kate
Main boy- Theo
Boy- Adam who's murdered
Girl- Francesca who kills Adam
Two police officers

Setting- countryside, murder takes place in city
basement is where Theo is held by Kate

Kate goes out into the city from the countryside to get revenge on someone who murdered his bestfriend over jealousy. After a sequence of events, Kate ends up falling in love with Theo, which she earlier kidnapped. Francesca, who killed Adam, is found out to be guilty.